Portfolio MonitoringEnd-to-end analysis and change alerts to help monitor and manage risks.
Real-Time InsightsYour Intelligent Real Estate Monitoring SolutionIn real estate’s fast paced world, staying ahead is key. Portfolio Monitoring optimizes how you monitor property investments. Our cutting-edge service diligently safeguards your real estate portfolio, offering real-time insights and vital alerts.
Actionable insights through meaningful AI.
Actionable insights
through meaningful AI.
Real-Time Value Estimations
Navigate the market confidently with continuous updates on the estimated values of your properties, powered by sophisticated models and market analysis.
Monitor Marketed Properties
Get instant notifications when properties in your portfolio are listed for sale.
Discover New Lien Activities
Stay updated on any additional activity to portfolio properties including secured liens such as HELOC, unsecured liens such as Federal or State tax, or any conveyance to ownership – quick claim or placing in Family Trust.
Analyze Loan Provisions
Gain detailed insights into borrowers’ current status, whether they have paid off the loan but still live in the property, have sold the home and moved into a new property, or have refinanced the property with another lender.
Enhance your agility in the real estate market with
enhanced asset monitoring.
Portfolio MonitoringStreamline Your Lending ProcessMonitor listed properties by receiving instant notifications when properties in your portfolio are listed for sale.
Actionable Insights
- Most accurate and reliable information
- Flexible and custom solutions
- Real-time alerts
- Easy to integrate
- Standardized model and innovative approach
- Actionable portfolio-level alerts
- Fast and secure platform
Accessible the Way You Want
- Monitoring & Alerts
- APIs

Discover trends and outliers across your loan portfolio.
Discover trends and outliers
across your loan portfolio.

High fidelity monitoringMarket Status and Lien AlertsQuantarium’s high fidelity monitoring allows you to understand and act on market status changes, as well as involuntary liens and home values.
Key Features
- Appraisal Services
- State-of-the-Art BPO Services
- QC Services
- Reconciled Market Value
- Desktop Valuation Model
Delivery Methods
- Web Portal
- APIs
- 1-Click PDF Reports
- White Label Web Parts